I/we, by signing this registration card, warrants that I/we am duly authorised to sign for and bind all persons represented by me/us or for whom I/we am responsible (“my/our party”) to these conditions of residence and, failing such authority, agrees to be personally liable for all amounts arising from the residence of myself/ourselves and my/our party at the hotel.
I/we and each of my/our party agree to pay not later than the time of departure (unless prior written arrangements have been made with the hotel management) the room rate as determined by the hotel for the period of residence, the costs of food, beverage and any other amounts relating to such residence together with VAT (if applicable) incurred by me/us and my/our party during their stay at the hotel. Periodic payments must be made if the account exceeds the credit limit designated by the Hotel and accounts are payable on presentation. Any amount not settled prior to my/our departure will be charged to my/our credit card as per the guarantee signed on arrival.
“I/We hereby agree that it is a condition of my/our occupation of/presence on the premises of the company that the company and/or each and any of its respective subsidiary and associated companies, and their respective members, employees, contractors, sub-contractors, agents, workmen or representatives (hereinafter jointly and severally referred to as the “company”) shall not be responsible for any accident or bodily injury to any person or loss of or damage to property brought by me/us upon the company’s premises regardless whether such injury, loss or damage results from the negligence of the company or from any other cause whatsoever.
I/We undertake to procure that every person accompanying me/us will accept the aforesaid condition of residence/presence and will agree to be bound by them.
I/We indemnify (where more than one person, jointly and severally) the company against any claim by any person accompanying me, including especially any minor or disabled person in connection with his/her occupation of/presence on the premises, including specifically without being limited thereto, any claims arising from injury, loss or damage, as aforementioned and from any cause whatsoever.
The Grand Daddy Hotel is a licensed establishment. Only drinks purchased on site may be consumed. Corkage fee will be levied on any drinks brought into the hotel.
All rooms are non-smoking. Please note should you smoke in your room a R1 500.00 cleaning charge will be added to your account on every occasion.
It is the responsibility of the guest to hand their room key back in to reception upon checking out. Any room key not handed in to reception upon check out will be charged at our fixed replacement fee of R750.00.
All cars parked at own risk. Varsibuzz (Pty) Ltd, its staff, agents will not be held responsible for any damages caused by negligence, gross negligence or by any other means to any vehicle through the actions of its staff, agents or representative. The signatory to this disclaimer indemnifies Varsibuzz (Pty) Ltd, its staff and agents against such damages.
Parking in our garage is charged at R100.00 per vehicle per day and must be pre-booked with our reservations team.
You as the guest will be liable to pay for all damages/vandalism/breakage to the property due to negligence on the guest behalf. The Grand Daddy Hotel may choose any suitable supplier at their own discretion and any additional charges relating to damages/vandalism/ breakage will also be charged to the guest account.
You as the guest agree to the Grand Daddy Hotel’s Payment and Cancelation Policy. This is accessible on the company website or can be requested from the reservations team.
I the undersigned, (‘the Guest’) hereby give my voluntary, specific and informed consent that The Grand Daddy Hotel may:
– Process my personal information (both terms as defined in the Protection of Personal Information Act, act 4 of 2013 [‘the POPIA’] and the European Union General Data Protection Regulation – ‘GDPR’) and my Special Personal Information (as defined in the GDPR), which processing includes amongst others the ‘collecting, storing and dissemination’ of my personal information (as defined in POPIA);
– Approach me with business opportunities, promotional events, special offers and sales, which approach may be by direct marketing (as defined in the POPIA) or otherwise;
– I the undersigned furthermore warrant that such information is accurate, relevant, up to date and complete and I undertake to advise The Grand Daddy Hotel forthwith and in writing of any material change of such information.
The parties agree that:
– The consent will remain of full force and effect until withdrawn in writing by the Guest;
– The Guest may withdraw or qualify such consent by advising The Grand Daddy Hotel in writing at any time;
– The Guest may at any time in writing amend his personal information or request The Grand Daddy Hotel to delete the personal information and such deletion or change must be carried out forthwith and in the case of deletion, The Grand Daddy Hotel must provide adequate proof that the personal information has been deleted
– I the undersigned hereby give my voluntary, specific and informed consent that The Grand Daddy Hotel may send me direct marketing (as defined in the POPI and the Consumer Protection Act, Act 68 of 2008 (‘the CPA’) subject to the following:
– I may at all times to pre-emptively block any communication;
– I may at all times request The Grand Daddy Hotel to discontinue any form of direct marketing and the cost of communicating such request will be at the expense of The Grand Daddy Hotel.
I confirm that I have read this document and understand the content thereof, and further confirm I am fully conversant with the English language.